Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Where have I been?!?!?!?!?

I'm not quite sure where I've been in regards to my stamping realm. I guess I would have to say I've spent more time in the mommy/wife realm lately. Either way though, it's time to post some inspiration and show you what we've been stamping lately. These first couple cards are some cards my daughter Aponi and I made for my sister-in-laws care package of cards we sent to her. She was attending college in England for the semester. All of us stamped cards and I still have the black stained stamps to show for it. LOL!!! The kids always amaze me with how creative they are. They are quite awesome with ideas and just whip out cards without hesitation. They sure don't get that from their mom. Here's a couple scans of the cards Aponi and I made. Can you guess who made which one?

The top card is Aponi's (although I wish I could take credit for it--I think it's a terrific idea) and the bottom card is mine. I've really been enjoying using those sweet skunks on a lot of my projects lately. Notice those white "circles" on the bottom of my card. I found that tip on a fellow demonstrator's blog. It's soo fun and EASY to do--drop me an email if you want to know how I put those on there by hand.

Aponi's card uses TAC's easter set. Her paper piecing is terrific! In fact, she used the same Easter set that I used on my winning contest entry. I'll try to get my winning card posted soon and let you all know ALL about it.

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