Friday, December 14, 2007

Cookie Swap - 2007

So, I asked hubby if I could host a cookie swap this year. By the way, he just graduated from College with his Master's degree. We are done with our 6 year journey to him receiving his higher education. WAHOO!!!!!! And because of this momentous occasion, I asked him if I could resume some of the fun "normal" holiday things that I like to do. And #1 on the list was a cookie swap. It wasn't huge, just most of his immediate family with lives very close and an adopted family friend (she's our adopted sister). And don't forget my mom--She's my helper when it comes to cleaning and setting up. Thanks MOM!!!
So, I got the go ahead from hubby, and then of course said to myself, "Self--don't kill yourself trying to make this super nice." LOL!!!!!!!!! Sorry, wrong conversation. It was more like, "Self-- you better incorporate every "Martha Stewart" type idea you've been wanting to try". There's that the real conversation. LOL!!!!!
So where to begin--why the INVITATIONS of course. In fact, I told my guests that was one of the main reasons for having the swap--so I could make the invitations. :0)
What's a cookie swap invitation with a cookie, right??? So here's what they looked like.
I got to try my new scallop punch (which some of you will be seing on my Christmas cards as well--I'm addicted to it). I scanned this adorable cookie from a cookie swap book I bought on ebay. The book was from Gooseberry Patch and had some terrific ideas and clip art to use (including the cookie on the invite). I made the boxes from a template I found cheap at Target when I was able to "get away" from the family on my own one night. I stamped with our artsy elements on the box and loved how it came out. Made the box from the Cha-Cha cardstock too.
I baked cookies to fit inside. LOL!!!!! (that's a story) and this is how it looked opened:
I was baking the cookies in the morning before I had to run out to eye therapy. I was talking to a couple friends while I was preparing the cookies. I wanted to make sure I made them big enough to fill the box without looking too small and corny. So, you know it, my blonde hair kicked in and between the blonde and the phone to my ear, I flattened the cookies TOO BIG for the box I had made. So, when crunch time came (45 min before I had to leave for the day) I went to put the cookies in and found out that they were too big. I was heartbroken to think I may not be able to use my cute little box invitations. Well necessity is the mother of invention and I remembered how long I had sat making those buggers. So an idea was born. I ripped into my cupboards and found a circle cookie cutter and cookie cuttered those babies to the size they needed to be. "Who in their right mind cookie cutters DROP COOKIES??????" The crazy blonde woman who would rather back MORE cookies that NOT use the cute invites she spent hours making. LOL!!!!!
So, I made my deadline and delivered the invites. Everyone loved them and peace once again reigned in the Johnson home. You will see evidence of my morning addiction in the back of the pictures (the bottom of my hot chocolate mug--can't make a day without it [unless I'm dieting]).
Enjoy the idea and I'm hoping to continue my inspiration run and show you the gift I made all my "cookie swappers". Happy Stamping!!!!!!!!!!

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