Thursday, July 9, 2009

News, News, News!!!!

I have been MIA again, but am back with lots of news. I'm going to break it down and spread it out so as not to overwhelm you with too much in one day. LOL!!!! The first and foremost news is that the new Catalog is out! Want a peak??? Here you go:

I have a case en route to my house as we speak. So, if you want a catalog, drop me a line and let me know. I'll send one out to you. Cost of catalog is $4.95 and shipping I believe is somewhere around $3 each. Cheap shipping is a thing of the past I'm afraid. Let me know if you want one. I have a special interest in this catalog (that's a hint for another day's post)!

Since our new catalog is out, then it's time to retire some of our old products. I am giving you the list of discontinuing products that are on sale for 25% off. They are on a limited supply basis, so if you want some of them, contact me immediately so we can get them ordered before they run out. Go here to see them! Click around on the other discontinued product links on the left to find them all. I started you out with the embellishments link.

Stamp of the month is out. Here is the info:


This month's vintage set is out. Here is that info:

TAC™ Promos

Christmas in July is a promotional for anyone who signs up as a new angel in the month of July. They get new hostess sets added on top of their sign up kit. A terrific value. Personally, I am drooling over the level D hostess set myself. here's the info if you are interested in that:

TAC™ Promos

Ok, enough info for today. I'll be back hopefully tomorrow to start sharing some of my super exciting news with you all.

Happy Stamping!

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